One of Us: Mr. Brian Gazzara


One of Us: Mr. Gazzara

Mr. Brian Gazzara grew up in wonderful “H-town” and went to St Joseph’s School. He later earned his degree from Rowan University and his first year teaching was Holy Spirit High School in 2001. When he left there, he came to Hammonton and has been here ever since.
1. “You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?
That’s easy, I’d keep it as a pet. It’ll be the newest addition to the Gazzara family

2.”What’s would be your your walkout song?
Not sure yet

3. what Professional History Have you worked at any schools prior to HHS?
My first year teaching was at Holy Spirit High School in Absecon, NJ

4. Why were you inspired to go into education?
I’ve always loved biology and kids so I figured why not give it a shot

5. Finish this statement: My least favorite thing about my job is…..
All of the administrative things I have to deal with like the paperwork

6. Finish this statement: The thing I enjoy the most about doing my job….
Seeing the look on the students faces when they “get it”

7. Finish this statement: My biggest fear is………
needles, I’m scared to death of them

8. Finish this statement: One thing about me that would surprise people is…. I love the allure of the oceans but I hate swimming in it. If I can’t see my feet when I’m swimming I DON”T LIKE IE

9. Finish this statement: When I´m not in school, my hobbies include…
Sports of any kind, fishing and hanging out with the fam

10. Finish this statement: One thing I have learned about working at HHS is……
I have a great group of colleagues that I work with