One of Us: Mrs. Shaner

Mrs. Judy Shaner, a teacher very well-known to the senior class, is an Honors Biology and Anatomy teacher at Hammonton High School. She graduated from Oakcrest High School in 1980. She later went on to pursue her teaching career, attending and graduating from Stockton College in 1985. Shaner has been teaching for a grand total of 30 years, 29 of which have been taught here at Hammonton, and one year at Holy Spirit High School. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Mrs. Shaner and learn some new and surprising things about her.

 I am…. “hard working.”

 My favorite topic to teach in Anatomy is…. “the reproductive system.”

The best thing about being a teacher is…. “seeing the light bulb go on.”

What annoys me the most is…. “students being late, or not trying in class.”

People don’t know but I…. “play cards all night.”

Outside of school I like to…. “watch sports.”

My favorite celebrity is…. “Clint Eastwood.”

The thing I love the most is…. “Nathan” (her grandson).

 My worst fear is…. “having to eat something disgusting.”

 If I won a million dollars I would…. “build homes for my children, and build more classrooms here at school.”

If I were an animal I would be…. “a giraffe or a zebra, because I love them. They are so beautiful, graceful, and weird.”