The Safe Driving Club to host volleyball tournament

Students are gearing up for the Volleyball tournament hosted by safe driving club set to take place May 15.

Students are gearing up for the Volleyball tournament hosted by safe driving club set to take place May 15.

A battle is planned for Thursday night in Gym A. However, instead of being something that teachers and administration want to stop, they are actually promoting the conflict.  After all, there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition for a good cause.

On Thursday May 15, the Safe Driving Club is holding a volleyball tournament as part of their “battle of the classes.” Battle of the classes has been going on all year long through different events the driving club has held. At the beginning of the year each class took pre surveys about their driving habits, then throughout the year there have been different assemblies and activities for each grade level. Recently, the classes have taken the same survey over again, in the hopes that the results would improve after all the students had learned. The most improved class on top of the winner of the volley ball tournament, is the winner of the battle of the classes.

To play, each team must be made up of members of the same grade level and must have at least two players of each gender. The winning team will get hooded sweatshirts, and points toward the overall battle of the classes tournament.

But, what does volleyball have to do with safe driving? Coach and head of the club Brielle Moreno says its more so about promoting safety through something the students would enjoy.

“We’re teaching students about safe driving habits, but we’re making it fun and letting them do something they enjoy while they are learning! It’s a good thing for everyone,” she said.

The entry fees for the tournament will raise funds for two foundations who have supported it: the Toni and RJ foundation and People Against Distracted Driving (PADD).  The Toni and RJ foundation raises awareness for distracted driving by sharing the story of nine month pregnant Toni Donato-Bolis who was hit head on by a distracted driver killing both her and her baby. PADD, dedicated to Nikki Kellenyi who was killed in her senior year of high school due to a distracted driver running a stop sign, works to bring awareness to this same issue.

Team forms for the volley ball tournament are due May 13.