New Year’s Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

I want to lose 10 pounds. I want to get better grades. I want to be a kinder person.

Resolutions like these are made by people across the nation.  Because the new year reminds people of where they’re at and where they want to be, these resolutions are made the first of January.

2013 is rapidly concluding, and 2014 is quickly approaching. For students, this is a time of reflection and deep thought. For many, this means a new start to the new year, which means New Year’s Resolutions.

A New Year’s Resolution is defined as a goal or goals that one will try to accomplish in the upcoming year. These goals can be as simple as getting better grades, and as big as changing yourself to become a better person by helping someone in need during the holiday season.

Here at Hammonton High School, students have already began to think about their personal New Year’s Resolutions.

Junior Greg Whittaker wants to make himself a better person, and also give back to his community.

“This year I want to remain getting good grades.” said Whittaker. “I honestly want to start going to the gym more. I want to stay healthy. I also want to give back to my community some how.”

Senior Kelsey Thomas wants to do good this year. She wants to go out with a bang.

“This year I want to pass my Psychologically class. I going to try to get A’s in my class.” said Thomas. “I also want to attend school more often. This is my last year of high school, so I want to make it all I can. I also want to stop texting and driving.”

Junior Nick Wilson has already decided on his goals for the upcoming year.

“This year I want to get better grades.” said Wilson. “I also want to continue with the Explorer Post. I want to get as much training out of it as possible. I also really need to find a job.”

Sophomore Chris Vayo is going for his goals this year too.

“This year I want to get better at homework.” said Vayo. “I also want to pass my permit test this year.”

Freshmen Alex Leon has his goals set straight this year.

“This year I want to get at least a B average.” said Leon.

New Year’s Resolutions are becoming more and more popular. As we speak, these goals are being set by students across the nation.