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Class of 2025 Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)

Candidate profiles are organized by office: President, Vice President, Secretary, and then Treasurer. Within each sub-group, candidates are featured alphabetically by last name. Candidates were asked to provide a picture to accompany their responses.
Class of 2025 Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)
Maddie Gazzara: Candidate for President

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

  • Class President my Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year
  • Training people at my job
  • Being a “safety” in Elementary School
  • President of the Green Club
  • Maintain high GPA taking challenging classes
  • Involved in extracurriculars such as field hockey and Green Club
  • Active in Student Council
  • Complete volunteer hours and am a part of National Honors Society
  • Work a variety of jobs including reception at The Hair Lounge, food running at Breezes Dock Bar and Grill, food running at Sweetwater Marina Riverdeck, and babysitting

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to run for Class President because I like having the voice that is able to get people involved. Being titled as President makes my peers somewhat more inclined to take my word for things pertaining to upcoming events and opportunities. I enjoy sending information out to my class via Remind, I like responding to people’s questions and messages, just being there to make everything clear. Not only do I love what I do in my own position, but I also like collaborating with my fellow officers who make everything fun. Whether its decorating for Homecoming, Hop, Prom, or setting up for any pep rally, making posters, cleaning up from events that were held, the other officers and I are able to all work together to get things done efficiently and it is super amazing.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

I’m concerned that too many students from our school are getting into fights, especially fights on school grounds. I suggest addressing this issue by implementing stronger and more strict consequences for fights. I also feel that our school has really been lacking in school spirit. This can be addressed by encouraging more teachers to reward students with extra credit for participating in spirit week or events in the pep rally. I’m also concerned that too many students spend too much time sitting on their phones not interacting with the people around them. This can be addressed by encouraging students to interact by doing more interactive things in gym, or in class that force students out of their screen.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

As a Class Officer this year I plan to be super involved with my school. I want to try to get more of my class to participate. We are going into Senior year, and it is my goal to make it a great year for everyone to remember. Obviously, I want to strive for my hallway to win, again. Hallway decorating is a big thing for me, I like to organize each idea and collaborate with other’s visions, and work hard to make it look super good all together.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I’m the best candidate for Class President because of my proven leadership experience through my past 3 years being President. I’m also good at taking in ideas from others and combining lots of different views to satisfy the majority of the student body. I’m dedicated to the school community, especially my class. I’ve successfully initiated and led hallway decorating for the past 3 years, working hard to create the hallway that “wows” people. I’m passionate about this school being a positive and inclusive atmosphere, where every student is able to confidently say they feel seen and heard. My love for being President stems from the way it allows me to advocate for my peers and bring our ideas to life. As President, I am committed ensuring that our senior year is filled with memories and opportunities beyond compare.

Kole Bagnell: Candidate for Vice President

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I think I am well qualified for the position because of the three years of experience I’ve had in class office. I’ve been Historian and Vice President for my first three years and I believe I can continue to be a member of class office for my senior year. I think that my experience as captain of the baseball team is another leadership position that qualifies and prepares me for Vice President well.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to run for this position because I want our class to have the best senior year possible. Most of us are coming out of our most stressful, work-loaded junior years, and I think we deserve to enjoy our senior year as much as possible. I want to be a class officer because I think that I can make multiple different groups in our grade enjoy their senior year according to their wishes.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

My first concern, which is most likely popular, comes with the involvement of our school. I believe that most student council and class officers are involved, but widespread involvement in school activites, events, and pep rallies would make school more enjoyable for everyone. If it is normalized for all members of the school, not just class officers and student council, to participate in school-related things, our school would be more united. Also, spirit days are an issue similar to involvement. If more students participated in spirit days, our school would feel more inclusive to everyone. Finally, I think that our school promotes senior privilege too much. I know I may be a part of an unpopular opinion, but I believe that seniors should stay in school for their last year. In the end, it’s only 2 or 3 periods that they are getting out of anyway. I think that all of our school’s issues come from involvement and including others; I believe that the more united we are as a class and school, the more successful we will be as students.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

As Vice President, I would like to make our senior prom, breakfast, kayak trips, and other activities and events as organized and enjoyable as possible. High school is a portion of an individual’s life that should be enjoyable and fun because adult lives are full of stress and work. If we have a class office that is efficient and organized, it will make events easier to gain access and get involved in. I also think that graduation is an extremely memorable part of our lives. Therefore, my class office position allows me to set up, plan, and execute prom as well as possible. Overall, I want our class to enjoy their senior year before we engage in different paths in our lives.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I’m the most suitable Vice President for the 2025 class because I care deeply about how much we enjoy and make memories during our senior year. Also, I have 3 years of experience in class office that have prepared me to serve as vice president for the last year of our high school career. As a baseball player, I understand and care for the concerns and changes athletes and club members want for our school. For individuals not involved in clubs and sports, I’m an extrovert who can intake information from all students in our grade. All events, field trips, prom, and graduation are significant memories in our lives, and I want to make them as memorable and entertaining as possible. As we see all of our senior friends graduate, our class will begin to understand how little time we have left in high school. With this said, our class office needs leaders who can organize and create fun for all of us. Therefore, I am the best-suited student for the Vice President.

Dominic DeNucci: Candidate for Secretary
Dominic DeNucci: Candidate for Secretary

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have been a class officer for 2 years so far, so I have the experience.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to be a class officer because I want to try and make senior year as good as possible.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

One challenge this school faces is not enough interest in school activities. This can be addressed by incorporating more fun events during the year. Another concern that we face is the sanitary of our bathrooms. This can be addressed by taking more attention to our bathrooms. One last issue is the parking lot. The parking lot can be a mess, and if we issue parking spots to people it will be a lot easier.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

I would like to make this senior year memorable and wish that I am allowed to make that happen.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I am the best candidate because I have the most experience and know what to do. I am a good leader and have handled this situation before, so I can handle the task. Vote for me and you will not regret it.

Sophia Lucca: Candidate for Secretary

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I am qualified because I am a three-year member who was very active, involved and supportive in the student council. I am also the current junior class secretary and have prepared and managed the prom. I also helped our class win the hallway decorating competition for homecoming this year. I have also been on the high school volleyball, golf, and tennis teams. I am known to be a people person and am very easy to work with. I always look for the positive and a solution to every issue. Being in a team sport has taught me how to support and uplift others properly. It has also taught me determination and how to stand up after a hard loss.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I would like to run for secretary because I am looking to bring more organization to the senior class. With large events like pep rallies, senior breakfast, and prom, I expect many people to be involved and I would like to contribute and put in my fair share of work. I wish to be a class officer because I want to bring more positive change and be more involved in my school. I hope to create a comfortable environment where no one is afraid to voice their opinions. I want to make sure our senior year is our best year yet.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

I believe that our class often lacks organization and I intend to solve this challenge by creating a system where nothing is forgotten or misplaced. I also believe that some classmates are often scared to voice their own opinions due to the fear of being humiliated. I intend to fix this issue by being an approachable class officer and actively look for classmates who ask for change. I believe a third concern is a lack of school spirit. Many students only participate in spirit week if they will receive extra credit. I intend to encourage classmates and students to participate by posting on social media and participating myself.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

As secretary class officer my goals and aspirations are to enhance communication, commit to having well-organized class events , bring unity and school spirit into the building, and create a comfortable environment.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

Hello, members of Hammonton High School. I believe I would be the best candidate for secretary class officer because I bring many qualities to the table. I am organized, cooperative, and very approachable. I always look for the positive and a solution to every issue. Being in a team sport has taught me how to support and uplift others properly. I am committed to effective communication, impeccable organization, and representing your voices. Communication is key and I promise to keep you all informed and engaged. My organization will ensure that class events run very smoothly. I also believe in giving back to create an exciting year and making our class the best it can be. I want to ensure our senior year will be our best year yet.

Adrianna Insua: Candidate for Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have been in Student Council since middle school, and am currently Junior Class Treasurer. I have attended many school oriented events, such as homecoming paint parties, prom decorating, and Student Council events.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to run for the position of Class Treasurer to help improve the school and the students’ high school experience. It will be our senior year, and I want it to be a fun, memorable time for everyone. I wish to improve student involvement in spirit days and school events. Also, I want students to be able to speak on their opinions and recommendations for the school. This will help everyone come together as a class and make our senior year an exciting experience.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

  1. Student voice: I feel that students should be able to openly express their opinions on different issues they feel are relevant. We should listen to all students and use their feedback to make the school a better environment for everyone.
  2. Student involvement: I feel that students should be excited to participate in spirit weeks and school events. We should get student input on ways to improve these activities. When more students get involved, these events are more fun and enjoyable, which brings us together as a school.
  3. Student support: Students should feel that they are able to come to us about their concerns and issues. Class Officers should be a guide for students who need help. Students should have support from their classmates.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

I would like to make this school year a special one because it is our senior year and our last chance to have a great high school experience before we graduate. I want to ensure we have a year of exciting events, trips, pep rallies, and spirt weeks. These festivities make the year entertaining for the students and faculty. I want the class to come together and for everyone to feel included and be involved. It is our last year to make memories with everyone and enjoy high school. I want to promote school spirit and unity.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

As a class officer, I will be open to new ideas and suggestions from all my peers. I will listen to everyone’s concerns and thoughts because everyone’s opinion should be valued in order to make school better for everyone. School spirit, student motivation, and student voice are the key to an enjoyable school year, both academically and socially. I want all of our classmates to have an enjoyable senior year and feel included.

Kiley Kozlowski: Candidate for Class Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

  • Qualifications — Strong math skills; attention to detail — can keep accurate records; organized — can meet deadlines; honest and trustworthy; good communicator;
  • Helpful experience — leadership roles include Treasurer of Sophomore class, Treasurer and Vice President of Nurse’s Club, and Co-captain Varsity basketball team; experience in handling money/volunteer work including fundraising for various sports teams and animal shelter, collected registrations foe Bulldogs Basketball, helped worked in Little League Concession stand, good grades in math and economics

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to run for Class Treasurer because I want to contribute to our senior year by supporting events and activities we all care about. I also want to gain valuable leadership experience, which will be useful in college and my future career. I want to represent my classmates’ interests and make sure their voices are heard when planning activities and events. I want to make senior year memorable and enjoyable for everyone.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

Many students feel disconnected from school activities.

  • Class officers can use social media, school apps, or newsletters to keep students informed about events/activities or we can organize events that cater to different interests so there is something for everyone
  • School unity and spirit — plan themed spirit weeks with dress up days, pep rallies, and competitions to boost school spirit, class projects that promote teamwork
  • Bullying – form peer mediation groups to discuss bullying and to be a link between students, teachers and administrators

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

I would like to increase participation in school activities and events and create a sense of unity and pride within the school.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I’m excited to run for class treasurer and would be honored to serve as one of your leaders this year. I believe I am a good candidate for this position because of my strong skills in math, attention to detail, and commitment to transparency. First, my academic achievements in math and economics have prepared me to handle the responsibilities associated with the position. Second, I have extensive experience because I served as treasurer of our sophomore class and the Nurses Club. I also handled money during registrations for various clubs and helped run the concession stand at the Hammonton Little League. These roles have taught me the importance of responsibility, accountability, and service. Lastly, I’m committed to making sure everyone’s voice is heard. Your input will be valued in every decision to support activities and events that matter to all of us. Together, we can have a great senior year and make a difference!