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Student Council Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)

Candidate profiles are organized by office: President, Vice President, Secretary, and then Treasurer. Within each sub-group, candidates are featured alphabetically by last name. Candidates were asked provide a picture to accompany their responses.
Student Council Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)
Sean Fudala: Candidate for President

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

  • Captain of cross-country team (2 years)
  • Active member of student council (3 years), former secretary and vice president
  • NHS secretary
  • Active member of family’s non-profit
  • Over 100 service hours
  • Weekend job at farmer’s market

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to run for this position because, like I have for the past two years, I know I can make a major impact on the student life of Hammonton High School. Now that I am running for president, I wish to bring as much spirit to the high school as possible.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

  • Lack of school spirit: while I believe that school spirit has improved over the ’23-’24 year compared to the ’22-’23 year, there are still a few ways we can expand spirit even further. More creativity and variety in spirit days, more publicity of upcoming events, and hopefully more lenience from our new principal can facilitate this.
  • Pep rallies: pep rallies should be more engaging with the audience to create more excitement, and it should also place more excitement on the graduating seniors. We also need to coordinate more officers from both student council and classes to operate each game more smoothly.
  • Missed opportunities to work with other clubs: so many groups (NHS, Impact, Interact, Safe Drivers) host several events that would be extremely easy to collaborate with, bringing more attention to these occasions and get the student body as involved as possible.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

  • Mural contest in the beginning of the year
  • Senior sunrise
  • Painting parking spots (fingers crossed with new principal)
  • Involvement in more fundraisers and giving back to the community
  • Collaborating with other groups to create events with a positive message / objective
  • More fun, engaging pep rallies


Emma Longo: Candidate for Vice President

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I was class vice president freshman and sophomore year and student council secretary junior year. I have had ample leadership experience and have proved to do well in these class leadership positions. I am also a member of the Varisty Field Hockey team, as well as a yearbook editor. These positions have taught me teamwork and cooperation.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to run for this position because I love participating in the different activities that the schools puts on and I want to ensure that everyone is able to have a great year full of excitement and fun. I am always looking for ways to make school more enjoyable for everyone.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

The first issue is a lack of school spirit during spirit weeks. This can be addressed by reaching out to the student body and getting their say in what the spirit days should be. There could also be incentives and prizes for people being the most spirited.

The second issue is disconnect between grades. I will make it a priority to promote unity throughout the student body, as well as making sure everyone, from all backgrounds and groups, are represented and heard.

The third issue is a lack of fun events throughout the whole year. Many people are filled with school spirit during the fall because of football games, homecoming, and hallway decorating. I hope to extend these types of events throughout the entire year, as well as encouraging student sections at other sports games, such as basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and every sport that Hammonton has to offer.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

Next school year, I would make it a priority to collaborate with as many people in the student body as possible. I want to make sure that everyone’s voice is able to be heard and recognized. This will create more school spirit and allow Student Council to host more fun events that people will actually attend and have fun at. Ultimately, my goal is to use my platform to make the school year as fun as possible for as many people as possible.

Bella Gothard: Candidate for Secretary

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

Student Council remains a fundamental part of my highschool career to this day—as a current sophomore, I’ve attended and helped at decorating and organizational events for the student body. I love to help my community and aid in any way possible—including volunteering in Hammonton High School’s Leo Club and Interact Club. I know how to organize and manage my time, especially as a student athlete; I’ve managed to maintain above a weighted 5.0 GPA, consistently show up for my flag-football team, and I am currently trying to create a STEM club for next school year. Due to my exceptional qualities and talents, I am attending Stevens Institute of Technology in the summer for a Biomedical Engineering program. As a second generation immigrant, I am very passionate about everything I do and I’m insanely grateful for all of my opportunities. My creativity and my intelligence goes beyond school as well; as a third-generational Mummer for over 5 years, I dedicate my time working backstage with the Downtowner’s New Years fancy brigade. No matter how chaotic it can get—like last minute dress-rehearsals and float malfunctions—I’m always there to help make sure everything runs smoothly. I take pride in my ability to organize and communicate with my peers, and I believe I am qualified to run for Student Council’s secretary.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to run for Student Council’s secretary because I enjoy communicating with my peers and using problem-solving skills to get things done. I love being able to engage with my school, because the work Student Council does can completely alter someone’s highschool career. I love to make new friends everywhere I go because everyone has a unique story to share. I believe that communication is key—and as the Student Council’s secretary—I would love to learn from the thoughts of others to improve the student body’s highschool experiences.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

Student Council is the core of the student body, and when there is a lack of initiative, students are less likely to engage in school events. In the last few years that I’ve been a student of Hammonton Highschool, I believe that Student Council hasn’t taken the initiative to connect with students. To solve this problem, a great way to relate with students is to create intriguing and interactive events that give them a chance to directly impact our school. Fundraisers are an excellent way to increase school spirit when done right, such as making fun incentives like pieing a teacher or a free field trip to a class that donates the most, Student Council officers first need to be more engaging and dutiful in their roles to promote student interaction in school events. Finally, I believe communication is the only way to increase our lacking school spirit. It’s crucial that we listen to the student body and their ideas; whether its spirit day suggestions or pep rally games, it is the responsibility of Student Council Officers to hear the thoughts of our students.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

I want to accomplish steady communication between the student body and the Student Council next school year. As I’ve previously said, I believe it is our role to initiate fun events to interact and build connections with students, and I would like to help work on that goal with my future officers. I would also like to help create new pep rally games and figure out a seamless way to sign up for them without the stress of tracking down an officer.

Andrew Hoover: Candidate for Secretary

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I am qualified for this position as student council secretary because I have many leadership roles: cross country captain, National Honor Society president, Key Club president, and yearbook editor. These leadership roles have given me experience to lead my peers in an effective and positive manner. This year I have served as student council treasurer, this role gives me more experience knowing how student council works for the betterment of the student body.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to run for this position as student council secretary because I believe our school has the potential to be great, and opportunity to grow together. I wish to be a student council officer because I want to give the student body a voice and I want the student body to have more school spirit.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

  • Lack of School Spirit: Students should not be afraid to dress up and participate, if you participate then your friends will, then the student sitting across from you in English class will, and then the entire school will.
  • Lack of involvement: Students should not will afraid to join clubs they are interested in, they may be able to find their passion or a new friend.
  • People being scared to voice their concerns and ideas: Students should not be scared to voice their opinion because there opinion could lead to a significant change in the school environment and they don’t even know it.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

As a student council officer next year my main goal is to get the student body to have more school spirit and participation in spirits weeks and pep rallies.

Colleen Reitmeyer: Candidate for Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have been class historian for two years and a member of student council for three years.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I wish to run for this position and be a student council officer because I love to participate in school spirit and get involved in the school.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

Three challenges the student body face today are bullying, lack of motivation, and lack of school spirit. Lack of motivation can be solved by offering the students more days throughout the year where they are able to just relax instead of being hounded with work, especially juniors. Bullying can be solved by doing more activities that would allow for bonding within the student body, as there are multiple cliques within beach grade. The lack of school spirit can be solved by offering more rewards for dressing up, such as having teachers offer extra credit or allowing the participating students to have a special day.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

I would like to get more people involved in school events and active within the community by holding more events that are exciting to a more diverse group of people.

Catherine (Caitie) Warren: Candidate for Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

For this position, I have experience working with a team through team sports such as soccer, functioning in high stress situations such as volunteering in the kitchen at the Hammonton Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual Fish Fry, and dealing with money (helping at the wrestling snack stand during the winter sports season). I am also proficient in math and maintaining a budget.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to run for the position of Student Council Treasurer because I want to challenge myself to help improve school safety, raise school spirit, and give voice to the under-represented populations in our school. I know I would benefit our school best in a position where I can help by maintaining finances

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

  1. Ticket prices for events such as dances and senior trip are becoming too expensive. To help this issue, I believe we should hold more fundraising events to help fund these activities so that the tickets are more affordable and more students can enjoy these fun school activities.
  2. Students are under-represented and are afraid to speak out about any ideas they have for the school. I believe if we create an anonymous student forum for students to share their concerns, we can work to improve the school based on the ideas of all the students rather than just those in student council.
  3. Students are less involved in school events such as hallway decorating and spirit weeks. I believe we can improve school spirit and event turnout in the school by increasing advertisement for such events and participating in these activities as officers to set an example.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

As a student council officer, I hope to incorporate the ideas of my fellow students into the school, raise school spirit, lower ticket prices through fundraisers, represent the under-represented populations of the school, and collaborate with the other officers to make our ideas for the school a reality.

Samantha Principato: Candidate for Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this position. What sort of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have participated in several events pertaining to community service. These include, Adopt-A-road Clean ups, Hammonton’s Spring Fest, Winter Fest, game nights, color run, several dances, etc. I also participated in Hallway decorating, homecoming decorating, the Student Council’s Christmas Giving Trip, and many more service opportunities. I’ve also participated in several spirit days and I all-in-all do what I can to continuously try and make our school a better place.

Why do you want to run for this position? Why do you wish to be a Student Council Officer?

I want to make myself a part of the group that is behind the scenes of everything good in the school. I want to show up every day and feel like I’m a part of the change and positivity that’s constantly happening every day at school. And even the bad, I want to be there to help, to make things things better where I’m needed and do right by our school in the best ways possible.

Student Council Officers are the main representatives of the student body. Please list three concerns or challenges you think the school faces. How should each be addressed?

  • Drugs- More assemblies like the one before this past prom to dig deep and push the issue farther. If the more assemblies could hear the sound of a pin drop during a presentation, the message is proven to be getting be getting across to that many more kids.
  • Fights- More regulations in the hallways.
  • Cyber Bullying- More monitoring of what occurs on social media, mental health is more important than anything else for kids today.

What would you like to accomplish as a Student Council Officer next school year?

Throughout the next school year, I would like be involved in more school wide events such as pep rallies, spirit days, events, etc. I want to be a change in the school for the better, and help represent what being an avid member of the student council really means.