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Class of 2026 Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)

Candidate profiles are organized by office: President, Vice President, Secretary, and then Treasurer. Within each sub-group, candidates are featured alphabetically by last name. Candidates were asked to provide a picture to accompany their responses.
Class of 2026 Officer Candidates (for 24-25 School Year)
Sanaa Johnson Gray: Candidate for President

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have been the freshman class president and sophomore historian. I’ve been a part of student council since sixth grade. I was the president of a junior national leadership conference and I was nominated for a we see you award in New York City. I also help coach cheerleading.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I wish to be a class officer and run for this position because I want to help be the voice of the class of 2026 and I want to help my classmates know that they are heard and that their opinions matter.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

Three concerns or challenges I think our school faces is one not enough school spirit and I think to do that. I think we should get students input on spirit weeks and pep rallies. I also think our school struggles with certain sports and people not wanting to come out of their shell and do things that they aren’t used to and I think we could do a little more fun way of advertising to have students want to participate.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

This year I would like to accomplish, bringing back the school spirit and making spirit weeks and pep rallies more fun so we get more people to participate.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I believe that I would be the best candidate for this position because I believe that I have what it takes to be the voice of the class of 2026. Most people in our grade think because of how young we are and after going through Covid, that we either are too scared to use our voices or have lost our voice and I want to be the person to represent 2026. To remind them that even though they may be too scared to speak up on their own, they will have someone who is in the same boat as them be their voice and make sure they are heard.

Mia LaGuardia: Candidate for President

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

Although slightly altered due to the pandemic, I was involved in student council as much as possible given the circumstances throughout middle school. Within my high school experience, I have been involved with student council as well as class office. I was elected class vice president my freshmen year, as well as class president as a sophomore, where I helped out with multiple events such as Homecoming, pep rallies, as well as Hop.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to run for Junior class president to get involved in all of the ways possible. As an upcoming upperclassman, I believe the responsibilities of a class officer are greater. Junior year is widely said to be the academically “hardest” year of high school, and I would like to be able to ease the stress our class may experience by creating more events throughout the school year. I would like to be a class officer to represent my class and help organize multiple different things over the school year.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

I think our schools most important struggles are cyberbullying, disciplinary policies, as well as standardized testing. The most prominent issue especially at our school is cyberbullying. In my opinion, cyberbullying can have more detrimental effects as opposed to bullying. In recent months, more acts of cyberbullying have occurred, causing stress and unnecessary anxiety to many students of HHS. Cyberbullying can be addressed by increasing the discipline at our school. I believe that many students are unaware of the risks taken when cyberbullying another student. If the disciplinary actions are increased and vocalized to the student body, this can decrease rates of cyberbullying within our school.

Although standardized testing is an aspect required by the State of New Jersey– I believe that there are different routes our school can take in order to improve the overall demeanor of Hammonton students during state testing. Whether it is allowing those who are testing to leave school following their tests, or rewarding students, something must be in place to improve the experiences students face during testing. Many students are reminded multiple times how important testing can be, which can raise stress for the students extremely. Overall, standardized testing is something Hammonton High–as a public school–cannot avoid, however measures should be taken to benefit their students.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

As a class officer this upcoming school year, I am looking forward to having an all around great Junior year! I look to accomplish an overall better student turnout among the class of 2026. I think that if more students are getting involved in student council, pep rallies, spirit weeks, and homecoming festivities, we can make this year the most memorable yet!! Joining student council is most definitely a decision you will not regret!

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I would love to be elected as Junior Class President. I believe that I would be the best candidate for this upcoming school year because I am hardworking, an active listener, and I am always eager for new opportunities!

Matthew Donio: Candidate for Vice President

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I served as Freshman Class Historian, and Sophomore Class Vice President. I also volunteer throughout the school and town, especially at the Hammonton Little League and Downtown Hammonton. Service to my community is really important to me.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to be Junior Class Vice President so that I can continue to serve my school as a member of student government. I love my school and my town, and continuing to serve would mean a lot to me.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

I think there are a lot of challenges students face. Next year we will have a new principal and that will mean some change. Class officers and Student Council have a role in making sure any changes benefit the students. Another issue is the lack of school spirit. People should be proud to go to such a great school and get more involved in making it even better.

The last thing I want to see more of is more volunteering in our town. Hammonton is one of the best towns in South Jersey, students at our school should come out to events and volunteer more. There are plenty of organizations that are always in need of volunteers, and I think it would benefit our school to keep portraying a good image to the town’s residents.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

I want to increase school spirit and continue to stay involved with student council. As a Junior Class Officer I would also like to help plan a great prom towards the end of the year.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

I am the best candidate for Junior Vice President because of my previous service to the school. I want to make our school an even better place than it is now, and electing me to do that takes one click of a button! I will always be available to talk to anyone that needs anything at all, so be sure to stop me in the hallways if you ever want to talk! Thank you for your support!

Dominick Rolando: Candidate for Secretary
Dominick Rolando: Candidate for Secretary

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I am qualified for this position due to my past experiences in leading students in learning environments. I volunteered as an assistant teacher for an art class and was able to interact with children from multiple age groups. I also have experience as a summer camp group leader which enabled me to lead groups in stressful times. These experiences will help me due to the challenges I have been able to overcome in these positions, building the resilience needed in a class officer. My experiences also taught me to manage groups of people and allowed me to complete projects with high success.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I would like to run as the Class of 2026 Secretary due to my skills in organization and project management. I would be an effective leader and would properly execute the assignments in my role. A class officer needs to be able to coordinate meetings and be responsible, two requirements I will happily fill. I would like to be a class officer because I would like to see the best results come out of the class of 2026. If given the opportunity, I would enjoy being able to serve my class and be able to create a safe but enjoyable environment. I have the initiative and drive to help enact change in my class that will help us become more united and welcoming.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

The three biggest problems the school faces are a lack of unity, a lack of academic strive, and an increase in bullying. Hammonton High School is full of students from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. If we embrace these backgrounds through culturally relevant spirit days then we can learn to be together despite our differences. If HHS were to reward students based on their academics, then students would be more likely to succeed in their classes. When students are motivated by a reward, they will try harder academically to achieve stronger educational goals. The bullying problem can be solved by creating a safer place for HHS students. If students feel like they can be more open about their experiences, then more victims of bullying can feel safe, and those bullying can be punished.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

I would like to accomplish a stronger unity in my class. My goal would be to bring students together despite our differences and history. If we can stand strong together, the class of 2026 will be able to achieve many goals that would strengthen our impact in HHS. Supporting the class of 2026 would be a priority I will have and I will do anything in my position to help achieve this goal such as fundraising and hosting events.

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

As class secretary I would work my hardest to accomplish the goals needed for the class of 2026 to succeed. If I were to win class secretary, I would give my 100% to ensure that my class could reach its full potential by hosting fundraisers and working with the other officers to create an environment where students can feel comfortable and thrive during the school year. I am open-minded and flexible to change which are essential qualities in a class officer. I also take any chances to make new friends within the class of 2026, which lets me get direct feedback from students and can help me take a stronger stance in assisting the growth of my class. In addition to having virtuous qualities, I am experienced in leadership through my time volunteering in a classroom and at a summer camp, allowing me to properly assist in leading group projects for the class of 2026. If given the opportunity as class secretary, I would do everything in my power to make my time in the office an advantage to every student.

Juliana Davidson: Candidate for Treasurer

Please list your qualifications for this office. What kind of experience have you had that would help you with this position?

I have been a class officer for 2 years now. I have helped organize and create our Hammonton girls Laxx club and soon team. I’ve also worked as a cashier for 6+ months now, often alone so I’m great with managing money to ensure closing goes smoothly.

Why do you want to run for this position?

I want to continue being a class officer to help improve our school by advocating for our sophomores.

Officers are leaders of the student body. Please state the biggest challenge you think that your class faces during this school year. How should this challenge be addressed?

    1. Not enough spirit from the sophomore class: It’s a known fact, we are struggling to find any sophomores to participate in pep rallies and spirit days. I think something that would help this issue would be to get teachers involved with giving out awards such as snacks and or extra credit for students who do. Often times, I see a higher rate of rate of kids dressed up in classes that offer extra credit then those who don’t.
    2.  The 7 point scale: The 7 point scale has plagued our school for years now, and with times changing I argue that needs to be changed as well. Most schools in Atlantic County use the 10 point scale, so why are we still on the 7 point scale? The 10 point scale has backed evidence that it works better. Moreover, since most schools use the 10 point scales, those 3 points can change a students GPA completely and give the students with a 10 point scale a better chance of getting into a better college. With Mr Ramsay switching in as superintendent, nows the perfect time to make that change. I believe if students showcased attention towards this issue, with us officers are the forefront, it could be changed for the 2025 school year.
    3. Students having no choice for vending machines: I believe that students should have a say in what goes into the vending machine since its our money funding it. I propose we can set up monthly votes on a new snack and drink to be added in the next rotation. This way, the students can get a say in what they want.

What are some things you would like to accomplish as an officer this school year?

    1. Promoting better school spirit
    2. Changing 7 point scale to 10 point scale
    3. Letting students vote on snack options for vending machine

Explain why you would be the best candidate for this position.

Dear Hammonton High School Sophomores,

My name is Juliana and I’m here to ask for your vote to be re-elected as class treasurer. I’ve had countless successes during my past two years in office, and would love to add to that. As many know, I helped establish our Hammonton Girls Laxx team, which is now officially entering the Cape-Atlantic scene spring of 2025! The team, despite only being a club, had a large turnout every practice of 20+ girls showing up. Moreover, I want to help make this school better in another ways, such as allowing students to have more of a voice in day to day school life. I propose we can set up monthly votes on a new snack and drink to be added in the next rotation for our vending machine. Moreover, I also want to help change our school to a 10 point grading scale since it would be extremely beneficial to students. Overall, this school has a large way to go to improve, but I would love to be at the forefront to help advocate for these changes.