Managing Academic Workload: Overwhelming or Over it?


Junior Lindsey Rafter shows senior Colby Crescenzo her monthly planner, filled with assignment due dates and club activities.

Homework. Quizzes. Tests. Projects. All the ingredients to get an “A.”

And that’s not even including clubs or sports.

But does the workload reality play a big role in the life of a student?

“When I get home from school” said senior Joseph Salvo. “School work doesn’t really consume my time until later at night. Between homework and studying it’s about four hours every night.”

On the other hand, senior Danielle Pinto felt strongly about how much stress schoolwork can cause.

“Of course school stresses me out,” she said.  “In calculus we are constantly studying for a quiz or test and when we aren’t studying, we are doing a bundle of homework.”

Pinto has a system to manage the workload.

“First I get my homework out of the way, then I concentrate on the studying. Most nights I feel as though I have to cram everything in to get all of my work done,” she explained.

According to a survey of 600 teens featured on,  32% claimed that school is the basis of their stress. The rest stated that stress came from something else or that they don’t feel stressed out often at all.

Students manage the stress in different ways.

“To ask me what an overwhelmed night is to me is a bad question,” said senior Michael Morano. “I am never overwhelmed due to the fact that I don’t usually do my homework.”

He is not alone is his treatment of schoolwork.

“School does not stress me out at all,” said senior Danisel Contes. “I guess I don’t care as much as other people.”

Teachers, on the other hand, have different perspectives on the importence of homework.

“It is important for students to be assigned homework,” said physics teacher Mr. Ian Tapp.”There’s only so many things students can do in class and it’s important for the students to learn responsibility and do the homework or study.”
