Bathroom Blues

Bathroom Blues

Senior Joe Pinto raised his hand.

Even though he was in the middle of an anatomy lesson with Mrs. Shaner, he could’t wait any longer. He had to go.

Fate smiled on Joe that day when Mrs. Shaner actually gave him permission to use the bathroom. With a feeling of relief, he hurried down the hall only to be met with this sign: Restroom Closed.

This is a very common problem in the halls of Hammonton High School and as kids need to pee there in no restroom to be seen.

Students  would like the freedom of going to the bathroom whenever they start to seeing yellow, but this is not always the case because a lot of the time the restrooms are closed.

“They are closed because there is not enough coverage,” said hall monitor Mrs. Diane Smith. “Often, they have to pull a bathroom monitor to the cafeteria because they are short staffed.”

This then creates a problem for students who then have to roam the halls hastily searching for another bathroom.

So how do students handle this dilemma?

“I hate it because I miss class, and I hate walking,” said Pinto.

Senior Matt Matro agreed.

“It is a huge annoyance having to constantly roaming the halls looking for a bathroom,” he said. “I end up missing more class time because I am stuck looking for the bathrooms.”

For junior Ally Lupinetti, the closed restrooms can impact her afternoon routine.

“Well, if it’s closed, and it’s an emergency, I would just go to the nurse,” she explained.  “But if it’s not, I usually end up waiting until I get home for the day, or I have to stop somewhere on the way home.”

For students who are not going to the bathroom just to skip class, this is a huge inconvenience for them. These issues with the bathroom should be met by the administration and corrected in the near future.