Winter Driving Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Winter Driving Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Since there has been snow everywhere, it has been the main talk recently. From how to deal with the snow to how to be cautious in the snow. There are many winter driving myths that peoples still believe in. Most of these beliefs are mistaken.

Even those who have been driving for decades still fall for these myths. Luckily we are here to explain some of those myths.

Warming Up the Engine

The most common myth of them all is that engines need some time to warm up in the cold. It is a fact that cars are able to drive half a minute after started. Parents usually drill it into their children’s heads that they need to warm up their car.

Winter Tires

People also believe that winter tires are a waste of money and not very good.  This is false because snow tires actually are very beneficial for cars. Even though it can still be slippery, the rubber compound on the tires are engineered to help people steer, accelerate, and stop.

Deflating Tires

Many believe that deflating their tires in the winter can help with their vehicle traction. This is false. Lowering tire pressure can cause things such as having the tires wear faster, increasing the chance of a tire blowout, and the vehicle’s handling will be compromised. There is no reason people should mess with their tire pressure unless it is to put it to the recommended pressure.

Mixing Tires Together

Another myth would be mixing winter tires and all-season tires is beneficial. It is most definitely not recommended. Winter tires and all-season tires are designed differently and have different abilities. Having four of the same tires allow the car to maintain its highest level of stability. It is unpredictable of what can happen when mixing tires.