No Shave November: What even is it?

No Shave November: What even is it?

Year after year, as November rolls around more likely than not you’ll see many people sporting an abundance of facial hair. This interesting trend, more commonly embraced by men, is where the individual avoids shaving their hair, likely facial, and welcome the onslaught of hair.

Originally this trend was started to raise cancer awareness and money for cancer research. The idea is that many cancer patients lose their hair due to the deadly disease, therefore, by simply avoiding shaving for 30 days, or the month of November, would promote awareness on the topic. Another concept of the celebrated trend is raising money towards the cause. Those who participate are encouraged to donate the money they would normally spend on shaving to cancer research and education.

Though the original intent of this social movement was to provide in all ways to the cancer objective, many people who participate in it do it for entirely other reasons, students from Hammonton High School responded:

“It gives me a reason to not shave, and it’s fun to be in. Its kinda like a dignity contest, because its like “who will shave first”.” ( Mat Paniagua, Grade 12).

“I would love to participate because it’s a great cause and I don’t have to shave for a month, but duty calls!). ( Nick Levecchia, Grade 12) Nick had a job interview at Modells…he got the job.