New York Primary holds a lot of weight for Democrat presidential hopefuls


The New York Primary is a big deal for presidential candidates. This is due to the sheer size of the state, which of course, has New York City, home of 8 and a half million people.

This means that a good deal of delegates is up for grabs for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The results are in and Hillary has won yet again.

 Hillary has 1,428 delegates and Bernie has 1,151. That is not counting the superdelegates which is what a lot of news sources do but really shouldn’t because super delegates can change their vote at any time. As superdelegates goes, Hillary has 502 and Sanders has 38. This could change if Sanders started winning more states and Primaries.

The final result of the primary was 58% Hillary and 42% Bernie. There will be numerous other states for the candidates to compete in. Is it looking good for Bernie’s campaign, no. But is it impossible, no, anything can happen, especially this election, we have a business owner in the race for God’s sake. And i also heard talk that if Bernie doesn’t win the nominee, a third party campaign might happen, don’t quote me on that though. In fact, don’t quote me on any of this, i’m just a white kid from South Jersey.