11 Classes You Should Consider Taking in 11th Grade

11 Classes You Should Consider Taking in 11th Grade

Course selection for sophomore students is just around the corner! Future juniors now have to decide what classes they will take, and how it will effect their futures.  Current juniors (and their moms)  are here to help with advice for these difficult decisions.

1. It depends on your interests.  if you’re a good artist take art, for example.  Take whatever suits your interests. -Helen Cannistra, hall monitor

2.  Take cooking, we make a lot of good food! -Gary Deanley

3. Honors physics can be stressful, but you get to reassess which is really helpful, so I recommend it.  – Danielle Pinto

4. Take challenging courses, because you will be able to succeed in them and then probably do well later like in college.- Megan Eppler

5. Take AP Chem if you can, Mr. Entress is a great teacher, and very understanding! – Jane Donio-Enscoe

6. No matter what you take, take at least honors. But, don’t stress yourself out with so many advanced classes that you have no time for anything else.- Taylor Rockett

7. Don’t take Italian, it’s really hard.- Franco Cannistra

8. Honors History and Psychology are great classes. Definitely take them.- Natalie Cowan

9. Take CP chem. It’s really easy! – Alanna Benedetto

10. Take finance so you have time for more fun things in your senior year! – Anna Samanic

11. Continue with your world language; it looks great for college. – Zach Goodwin