Students reflect on length of spring break


As the warm weather approaches, the birds begin to sing, the flowers begin to bud and the happiness of spring swirls throughout the crisp spring air.

For students at Hammonton, the light at the end of the tunnel is just around the corner.

Before the fourth and final marking period we run into Easter break a week of relaxation for students to catch up on sleep, enjoy time with family and prepare for the final stretch till June. Though spring break may sound like the perfect holiday before the summer months, students are still not happy about the length we have received over the years. From freshman to seniors the opinions vary, some wanting a longer break others simply ready to just get this year out of way and kick off summer of 2014.

At this point in the school year seniors want to nothing more than to toss their caps in the air and move on to further eduction.

“I really wish our spring break was longer,” said senior Maryann Nowlan. “I need more some more time to relax before the long month of May and finals week.”

Unlike senior Maryann Nolan, Melenis Velez is ok with the length of spring break.

“I don’t really mind the length. It’s a perfect little break right before prom and the end of the year,” she said.

Underclassman Drucilla Norton wishes it was longer, saying, “I think spring break should at least be a full week, this way I can go on vacation with family and friends.”

Another popular opinion between all students is our length of spring break compared to other schools. Jason Grasso expressed his thoughts by saying, “Our spring break should be the same as other schools, it isn’t fair that St. Joes and the Prep have such a long break yet we don’t.”

My only advice to students now would be most importantly, enjoy our spring break whether you agree with the length or not, take time to give thanks with family and friends, and finally let this break be beacon of hope to what lies ahead. Happy Easter!