What’s Your Hardest Class?

What’s the Hardest Class You’ve Ever Taken?

Math is the subject that I’ve always struggled with. Factoring, completing the square, logarithms, are parts of Algebra that I was bad at. Everyone has a class that they have found challenging. The question is what was yours

Senior Lori Campbell found Sociology to be the hardest class that she has ever taken.

“Sociology is difficult because it is really hard to prepare for the tests.” she said.

Senior Brianna Berenato explained why Chemistry is her most challenging class.

“Chemistry is my most challenging class because of the concepts, and because I do much of the work independently.” Berenato said.

Senior CJ Volk found that O’Malley’s  U.S. History Two class was the most challenging.

“That class was the hardest because I’m not really good at history.” he said.

Sophomore Neila Espin said that Chemistry was her most challenging subject.

“I would say Chemistry because I’m bad at lab write ups.” she said.

Whether it be Math, Science, or History, there are many different classes that students find challenging.

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