2014 Sochi Winter Olympics most memorable moments

2014 Sochi Winter Olympics most memorable moments

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games were held in Sochi, Russia. It  was the Russian Federation’s first time hosting the Winter Games.

The first memorable moment of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi was the opening ceremony when one of the snowflakes didn’t open. The opening ceremony is for the hosting nation to show off. There was suppose to be five snowflakes opening to interlock and form the Olympic Rings. The fifth snow flake never opened, having the four rings interlocked with a snowflake where the fifth should be.

Bode Miller won the bronze medal in the super-G and became the oldest Olympic alpine skiing history. After winning bronze, Miller was being interviewed by NBC reporter Christian Cooper. Cooper asked about his brother Chilly who passed away last year at the age of 29. Asking the same question and different ways caused Bode to become emotional. After becoming overwhelmed with emotion, Miller went down on his knees and starting to cry, after Cooper apologized, Bode got up and walked away.

No one will forget Bob Costa’s bad eye infection. Costa has been an anchor for the Olympics for 14 years. After being on the air with pink eye, in both eyes for 5 days, Costa gave his position, temporarily, to Matt Lauer, which broke his 14 year streak.

Everyone has seen the pictures on social media of US bobsledder Johnny Quinn’s break out of a locked bathroom door. Quinn had no way of telling anyone he was stuck and decided the only way to get out right away was to break through the door, and well, he did. Quinn later tweeted, “With no phone to call for help, I used my bobsled push training to break out. #SochiJailBreak.”

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics will be one to remember. From the anchor, Bob Costa’s pink eye, Millers emotional interview, the stubborn snowflake at the opening ceremony, and no one will forget Johnny Quinn’s bobsled training that helped him escape a locked bathroom.