Mars Rover takes its final journey


Space exploration has always been a peak of interest to many around the world. The Mars rover, Opportunity, recently died on February 13, 2019. Opportunity spent the past 15 years on Mars giving important information to researchers on earth. The death of the rover stunted the public because of a tweet by science reporter Jacob Margolis saying the last message from the rover read, “My battery is low and it’s getting dark”. This tweet tug at the heart strings of the people which brought light to the death. This tweet was later debunked as Jacob said he summarized the death and that Opportunity did not actual say this. This didn’t stop people creating tributes after the death.

The rover showed the people at NASA that Mars had water, convincing them life on Mars is possible.  Opportunity’s other rover, Curiosity had some heartfelt words after hearing of it’s death: 

Either way the impact of Opportunitiy’s death impacted the world and set the public eye to the future of Mars exploration.