5 Things You Need to Know About #MeToo


In today’s current events, #Metoo is constantly on the trending page. People everywhere are uniting and finding their voice to discuss the issue that is sexual harassment. And while the media provides valuable information about what is occurring, there is additional  background that often goes unrecognized that is vital to understanding the #Metoo movement.


#1: #Metoo is older than you think.

The movement has definitely made itself present in today’s news, but this drive to end sexual harassment is actually 10+ years in the working.


#2: The Movement isn’t just for Hollywood women.

While actress Alyssa Milano is often credited with bringing the media’s attention to #Metoo, and creating an outlet for other celebrities such as Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lawrence and Lady Gaga to talk about their traumatic experiences dealing with sexual assault, the original creator of the #Metoo Movement is activist Tarana Burke, who started the campaign for all men and women of every age and color.  


#3: #Metoo isn’t about bashing men.


A common misconception about the Metoo Movement is that it just a united force of women seeking revenge on the men who assaulted them, when in reality it is women coming together to form a community and an outlet to discuss their stories of sexual harassment. Thinking the movement is about “naming and shaming” the men who are responsible for traumatizing these women would be incorrect. To quote a tweet from Kimberly Corban, a motivational speaker and activist, “If the hashtag #Metoo makes you feel uncomfortable, then it’s working. This is an epidemic too big to ignore; too important to silence.”


#4: The Me Too Movement hasn’t been a smooth ride.

While the hashtag has created a community for survivors to heal together, there has been bad publicity for the movement as well. Scandals such as the Asia Argento issue, where the Italian Actress who was seen as a #Metoo leader was found guilty of sexual assault herself.  It’s instances like this that bring such negative outlooks to the movement, and make people who have experienced sexual assault less inclined to come forward and share their story. However, it’s important to remember the overall message of Me Too is to remind every individual of their worth, and to help them feel strong when they are faced by their own vulnerability.


#5: There’s a reason the movement is on the trending page.

The movement being talked about on social media is to raise awareness and to encourage survivors of sexual assault to speak up and tell their story, and to remind them that no matter what has happened or what the future brings, they are not alone, and they are not silenced.   

If you or someone you know has had an experience with sexual assault and needs someone to talk to, call THE NATIONAL SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE AT: 800-656-HOPE.