Cutting weight for Wrestlers.


Many people in the world ask this question. How do wrestlers lose so much weight? What are the effects of this dramatic weight loss? What are the long term effects?

In wrestling many wrestlesr cut weight so they can wrestle lighter. The reason for the weight lose is so that wrestlers can wrestle opponents that are not as big as their natural weights. Many wrestler cut this weight and succeed.

Wrestlers who weigh 120 were most likely 140 in off season and they cut down to pose as a 120. This means the 120 has the strength of a larger opponent. This helps in matches when the kid is good but you have the strength.

Wrestlers lose this weight doing various things. Wrestlers lose water weight by wearing layers of clothes and sweating out about 5 pounds then don’t eat or drink anything making them dehydrated. They also work out constantly. Or the last and most disturbing option which is taking laxatives which makes you lose 3-4 pounds. This extreme weight loss isn’t just a one day thing either it occurs constantly.

These effects can ruin your bowel system. They can cause multiple problems. Such as being constipated, not being able to function in the bowel system, or even just lack of water.

There are many effects to cutting so much weight believe it or not. One is when you are older you will likely struggle losing weight. Studies show 67.3% of wrestlers have trouble losing weight.

Cutting weight in wrestling is extremely hard. Yes by the way to the question “Wrestlers don’t eat?”

Wrestlers don’t eat the day of or the day of their match. It helps them lose a pound or two. Especially if they are in highschool, Walking all day plus not eating you can lose a quick two pounds.

To conclude, Wrestling cutting weight is actually dangerous even though most wrestlers don’t realize it now