Did Technology Kill Our Childhood?


Our childhood was filled with playing hopscotch, and jumping rope. Running around playing tag and catching butterflies.

Our generation’s childhood was not technology based, and we are the only generation to have that. Our parents before us had no technology, and our children after us will be all technology based. We are the generation in the middle of all it. Technology slowly crept its way into our lives.

Technology was in it’s prime while we were tweens. I still remember the day I got my first flip phone, and how difficult it as to get used to typing a text with those nine keys. Technology has changed drastically in the last twelve years.

However, with newer generations coming to life, childhoods is going to be almost ALL tech-based. There are already older generations mocking and ridiculing generations after them (even ours).

Some believe that technology is destroying our minds. And that when they were a kid, they actually went outside to play games and not sit on a couch all day. While I agree that that is unhealthy, I also want to point out that if they were born in our generation, they would be doing the exact same things we are doing. They would be online  sharing photos on Facebook and tweeting tweets on Twitter.

However, I believe that when our generation grows us that we won’t mock the all tech generation kids, because we know what it’s like to be told to go outside and play, and how it’s annoying. We will (I hope) accept the facts that the generations to come didn’t grow up playing hopscotch and jump rope (I’m sure they did some of the time, but not as much as they used technology).

Technology gets a pretty bad rap. It brings us closer together, no matter how many people say that it’s ripping us apart. Because of technology we are now communicating better. We get news faster, we gets messages quicker, but that’s just the beginning of how amazing and useful technology is.

Students today can learn anything and everything they need to know online. Want to solve a quadratic equation? See a map of Guatemala? Learn about the Doppler Effect? Everything and anything that you could possibly have questions about are answered online.

Not only can you text your best friend that lives down the street, but you can call your grandmother from Italy. With technology people can connect with others from across the globe in just seconds.

The new age of children coming into this world will thrive on video games, phone apps, and social media. And I don’t care. Because I am excited myself for what technology will evolve into next, and will accept that the generations after me will have a completely different childhood than I have had, and it will be okay.