One of Us Retirement Edition: Ms. Ruberton


Ms. Barbara Ruberton, the secretary in the Child Study Team office, graduated from Hammonton High School in 1975. Since 1992, she has served in a variety of departments, from the general office to guidance to her current position in CST.

I was inspired to go into this field because… I had all business and secretarial courses in school.  The working hours were best for my family and for me.

During retirement, I plan to…spend more time with my grandchildren.

Some of the highlights/special memories of my career include…working with some very special people and making new, very good friends.

The best piece of advice I would give to other teachers and staff  is…to be organized and to listen to people.

The best thing about my job has been… how the people I work with in my department have shown me that we are a family.  We have grown to genuinely care about each other , to respect each other, and to support each other.  It has taught me that with this type of support system, you can make it through the difficult times and the good times.

If I could re-do one thing about my career, I would… have more confidence in my abilities.

When I’m not in school, I like to…spend time with my family.