A Cellphone Debate

A Cellphone Debate

Recently many debates  have been arguing over the use of cell phones in school. Many kids believe that cell phones should be used because emergencies may occur at different points. ‘

Melinda Oriol, a senior at Hammonton High School gives her opinion about the benefit of cellphone use.

“Cellphones should be allowed when students need help with something. They can also use cellphones if something bad happens.” Students should be used in schools to prepare them for adult life.

Another student, Gabrielle Gazzara said that cellphones would good for typing essays. “If no computer, than type on phone, and print for the next period.” If students are being prepared for life. There are many reasons why cellphones should be allowed in the school

1) In preparation for a real world job

  1. To teach responsibility
  2. In case of emergency
  3. 4)     As learning aids: To keep students focused on whats in front of them
  4. 5)     To keep students happy.

Parents are now understanding the reason why cellphones should be allowed. Parents and teachers are realizing educational value of mobile phones. Cell phones are useful for (Shootings in the building). It seems to know that students should have cellphones, instead of not having them because it is useful for those that need to contact parents.

Mrs. Jones, a teacher at the high school shares that cellphones were allowed back than but now it is just a distraction. “I taught when cellphones were allowed in class” She said. “They were problematic in the classroom as it distracted many students (text messaging). If perhaps the policy were to change, the students would be allowed to listen to music/ text during their lunches.”

There are also Pros and Cons that follow the use of cellphones, such as.


  • Emergency
  • Students will most likely stay quiet


  • Distraction
  • Over use
  • No focus on the main lesson of the class itself

One last student Matt Angeline says that students should use cellphones because they would know when to stop. “Yes, students should use cellphones because if the students really cared about their school education they would pay attention and not use their phones.”