Socialism- America’s Worst Nightmare

Socialism- Americas Worst Nightmare

What is Socialism?

Socialism as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

  • “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
  • a:  a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b:  a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
  • c:  a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done”

Let’s digest this definition accordingly. The definition explains that Socialism is an economic theory that supports the government controlling all goods produced. The government decides to where and to whom they will distribute the goods. Socialism is a system where you and your fellow Americans would not have your own private property. For example, if you just purchased a house in a socialist system (though highly unlikely because you would be too poor to purchase such a luxurious item, and you would be living in a government sponsored housing system) that house would not belong to you, and could be taken away at any time for the “good of the people”. Once again all products and companies are owned by the government and all of the government’s agendas are funded by you as a result of your astronomical tax rates. Let’s say that the government decides to build a new sewer plant near your neighborhood, and you and your fellow neighbors oppose this because of the constant putrid smell that will result if the plant is built.  In a socialistic system the government would tell you and your neighbors to go pound sand, because that sewer plant is considered beneficial for the “good of the people” even if the majority of the citizens oppose the government’s plans. The final part of the definition states that Socialism is just an in-between stage before a country reaches the inevitable, Communism. Socialism was created so individuals could have a smooth transition into the horrors of Communism.

Don’t be Deceived

Those who are advocates might argue that Socialism is a “cure all” form of government, but they truly do not understand the system. The main selling point to unsuspecting people is that Socialism advertises everything as free.  Your college is free, your health care is free, and your housing is free. If you break your arm, you won’t have to worry about expensive medical bills because the government picks up the tab. If you aspire to attend Florida State University but did not have the money, now you can attend the school of your dreams in a socialistic system. But how can the government just distribute this complementary healthcare and college to everyone? Wise individuals know that nothing is truly free, particularity if it is coming from the government. Where is all that free education and health care money coming from? One word- taxes. Individual taxes would skyrocket crippling your ability to strive for better things in life. The truth is that Socialism devalues every aspect of society including your “free” healthcare and education. Instead of certain hospitals specializing in certain aspects of the healthcare field for profit, all healthcare doctors, nurses, and specialists would be paid the same, so why try to aspire to be better when their is no incentive to do so?

Taxes and Conformity

In a Socialist society individuals taxes and corporate taxes are astronomical because someone has to pay for all of the “free” healthcare and college money that others are receiving. Some would say, a tax increase in return for free health care, and school- I’m still reaping benefits so why is Socialism our enemy? Not only do individuals get taxed but so do business which means owners will have less money for their laborers and will not be able to expand. Socialism brings everyone down to the same level so no one individual can succeed beyond another. Let’s say you try your hardest in school and earn all A’s by staying up studying for hours on end, and working on the weekend while all of your friends enjoy themselves. Because of all of your hard work you get accepted into an exceptional college and become a successful Aerospace Engineer. On the contrary, your best friend barely scrapes by in school, falls asleep in class and never does his homework and works as a waiter. In a Socialistic system you and your friend would earn the same amount of money even though you worked harder than him and your occupation is more demanding than his. Countries that have socialistic systems can be described with the “fly in amber analogy”. Countries that practice socialistic systems have economies that stay the same, never increase.  Why work hard just to earn the same amount of money as a person who does not work at all? A socialistic system is rewarding all of its citizens with metaphorical “participation trophies”. Inventors and innovators are not encouraged, and new technologies suffers, so don’t expect any Iphone 10’s in a socialistic system. The country’s economy does not increase it just stays the same forever, until the government decides to release its stranglehold.

If Socialism is such a compelling and profitable system, why are individuals from other countries still emmigrating into the United States from countries that have this kind of system?  Countries that have socialism in their government have no room to grow. There is no incentive for individuals to strive to live up to their full potential in socialism. Government knows best, and if you don’t belong to the government’s inner circle, you will not benefit.  If everyone has free health care, college, and every one has the same clothes and food, why should you do a more demanding job than the next person, or work more hours than the next person if you can not reap the benefits.

Like oil and water, socialism and the American dream of capitalism cannot go together. Our Founding Fathers spent most of their lives resisting any form of Tyrannical government so we can enjoy freedom now. Why are we undoing all of our fore-father’s hard work just because Socialism is the newest fad and individuals promoting it like some new way of living when we see first hand today that countries in Europe and the East where people are “stuck in time” because of the lack of innovation.