The Importance of the Second Amendment


The Second Amendment
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Those 27 words have sparked controversy ever since they were penned over two hundred years ago. But what is the real meaning behind the inalienable right to bear arms and why are many individuals quick to disregard the Second Amendment’s purpose?

History of the Amendment

For almost a decade, brave and courageous patriots were locked in bitter combat with England. Through that tremendous struggle, and loss of many comrades, we gained the paramount of what the United States of America stands for – freedom  That struggle has allowed us to gain one of the most prized and (wanted) gift man can ever yearn for- liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The founding fathers included in the Bill of Rights the Second Amendment knowing that if the Government became too powerful and oppressive, the citizens of our country would be able to retaliate in the proper manner.

The Importance of the Amendment

Without the Second Amendment we do not have the ability to ensure that all of our other freedoms that are so plainly listed in the United States Constitution are upheld to their full extent. The Second Amendment is usually thought to pertain solely on hunting practices, but that statement couldn’t be more false. There’s a difference of the need for firearms for sport, and those that are necessary to protect lives of you, your family, and your neighbors. Many individuals do not realize how important it is to posses a firearm. Firearms deter crime and will make possible criminals think twice before attempting to force-enter a house or rob an innocent individual. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that criminals will always be able to get their hands on firearms illegally, but if our right to the Second Amendment is taken away it will allow criminals to prey on innocent American citizens without any impending threats.

Firearms abate impending tyrannical government take over because the Government knows that if they attempt unjust practices or try to oppress the American people they can be expected to deal with the consequences. The Second Amendment also deters possible invasion from heinous countries that wish to wage wars. Leaders of foreign nations may be hesitant in regard to invasion because they know that American citizens are armed and will protect the country that they hold close to their heart so dearly. This is a major reason why in World War II, Japan did not invade the continental USA. The Japanese knew that regular people had arms and would not hesitate to use them if necessary.

The right to possess a firearm is just as important as the right to vote. Not only do we have the right to elect the best possible candidate to lead our great nation, we also have the right to protect our great nation just as our founding fathers intended over 200 years ago.