Memorial Day weekend kicks off the summer

Memorial Day weekend kicks off the summer

Memorial Day is a day where America honors all the men and women who put their life on the line serving our country. The weekend for many Americans is a time for BBQs and spending time with the family, usually out by the pool or down the shore. The Jersey shore is the place to be because this weekend usually kicks off summer and gets everyone in that summer mood. Monday is the day where a lot of people will pay respects to our armed men and women but it is a huge weekend for lots of Americans.

This Memorial Day weekend I was privileged enough to be invited down the shore and get to stay for the weekend. Although I had baseball to travel back for, I got to spend the weekend with a lot of friends on the beach and enjoying the weather. I was not the only person who celebrated the weekend, many people in Hammonton High School had busy weekends or just took the weekend to sit back and relax.

“I spent my weekend fishing. I would not have wanted to spend it any other way,” said staff member Christ Gillies.

Many spent the weekend at family BBQs, like senior Alex Padovani.

“Every year my family has a big BBQ that a lot of family and friends come too,” he said.

Others did not get so lucky and may have ended up working more than they hoped.

“I worked pretty much the whole weekend but go to go out on Sunday night,” said senior Shane Worthington.